Index Parent

Popobject class

The Popobject class is used to create an object made of:

Any time the button is pressed a window with the object to open as content is opened.

See Popstring


Name Type Class Note
Button S I IN  
CloseFun S I At Init time you can supply a macro in this attribute: anytime the object is closed with success, CloseFun macro is executed (with no argument). The macro must be an ARexx-in-line-string-macro designed to be fast, e.g.
    "call DoMethod('l','GetEntry','active','A');call set('s','contents',a)"
Follow B ISG  
Light B ISG  
Object S IN  
OpenFun S I At Init time you can supply a macro in this attribute: anytime the object is to be opened, OpenFun macro is executed (with no argument). The object is opened if and only if the macro returns 1. The macro must be an ARexx-in-line-string-macro designed to be very fast, e.g.
   "call domethod('l','clear');call set('l','quiet',1);pl=show('p',,'/');do while pl~='';parse var pl p '/' pl;call domethod('l','insert',p,'sorted');end;call set('l','quiet',0);return 1"
String S I IN A String class object .
Success B GN Set and notified when the window is closed with success. The popobject doesn't know anything about it: you must tell him what success means via a notify.
Toggle B ISG  
Volatile B ISG  



Name Parameters Note
none defined